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Newsweek AI Impact Awards - Frequently Asked Questions
How do I submit an entry?
Visit the Newsweek AI Impact Awards website to start your submission (will hyperlink once public).
Can I enter more than one category?
Yes, you can enter your work in as many categories as you feel appropriate, and the entry will be judged separately for each category it is entered.
Which category(ies) should I enter?
Newsweek AI Impact Awards covers several verticals and categories so as to allow applicants to choose the category(ies) that best fits their work. An entry can be entered in several categories. If work is entered in multiple categories, it is eligible to win multiple times. Newsweek reserves the right to move entries to other categories if appropriate.
What if a juror on the judges panel is from my company?
If there is a juror from your company on the panel, we will recuse them from judging the category you submitted for. You can still apply.
How do I know if I won?
You will receive an email from events@newsweek.com if you won.
Do you have to be based in the United States to enter?
No, this is a global program and entries from around the world will be considered.
Does the entry need to be in English?
We encourage you to enter an English version of your materials. All materials will be reviewed by an English-speaking judge, who will use Google Translate if necessary, in their decision making process.
Do you have to pay an entry fee for every submission?
Yes, you will be charged an entry fee for every subcategory submitted. Price will vary based on the date you enter.
What form of payment is accepted?
You can pay via credit card. Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover are accepted at checkout.